Monday, June 14, 2010

Round Trip

Odometer: 12058.7
Tank Mileage: 676.2
Gallons Added: 16.358
Long-Term Average: 40.7
Short-Term Average: 41.0
Calculated Average: 41.3

This was a great tank. For the first time, I was able to complete my monthly trip to Ohio (~400 miles) without having to stop for gas. I did a day of work on either end and even did a side trip to Lansing before I had to stop for gas. There are several records:
  1. Calculated average, this is the best ever for a fill-up.
  2. Tank miles, just a bit more than my previous best and only 14 miles after E.
  3. Miles to E range, 662 miles were on the tank when the Miles to E hit zero.
A/C is used all the time. There were times when the load of accessories (which includes A/C) was 5/7 of full scale. The A/C is very effective. I'm still getting used to the controls. Currently, my issue is change the volume when I want to change the speed on the cruise control. Finally, I think either I'm getting better, or the car is hitting another wear-in point as I'm getting >40 mpg even into significant headwinds.

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